Piccola Università Italiana | Boutique Italian Language Schools in Fantastic Locations


Our Sector-specific Italian Language Courses are held in private lessons and could be booked as individual lessons or an intensive course. These customised courses can also be held in special group courses, organised for participants at the same level of competence who wish to focus on the same topic.

During the customised Italian language courses you may specialise in the following topics:


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Teacher’s courses (L2) ERASMUS+

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Exam Preparation

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General information about our course programme

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  • Ava from Switzerland

    Es war eine wundervolle Zeit in Tropea! Die Schule ist klein, gut ausgestattet, der Unterricht & die Lehrerinnen sind klasse. Würde es jederzeit empfehlen!

  • Anne from Ireland

    I had a wonderful 5 days at Piccola Università Italiana. I arrived on a Monday with very little Italian and left on Friday able to converse with the waiter in the Hotel & the taxi driver! Silvia & Carolina were fantastic teachers & the classes were fun.

  • Chiara from United Kingdom

    Studiavo italiano per pochi anni, con molti insegnanti diversi, ma questa scuola è la migliore! Non solo ho imparato più della lingua italiana, ma ho anche fatto amicizia per sempre e ho migliorato la mia confidenza quando parlo italiano. Grazie mille a tutti alla scuola e spero che ritorno presto!

  • Marie from Czech Republic

    Consiglierei di rimanere a Trieste. Un bel gruppo di studenti, le insegnanti sono gentili, professionali, simpatiche. Mi è piaciuto molto il corso di italiano.

  • Charlotte from Germany

    Ich kann die Piccola Università Italiana sehr empfehlen. Die Lehrerinnen sind sehr freundlich und konnten einen immer für die italienische Sprache motivieren. Mir hat besonders der Einzelunterricht am Nachmittag gefallen, in dem man den Stoff des Vormittags üben und vertiefen konnte.

  • Dragana from Serbia

    As a language teacher, I would like to say that Tereza and Licia are brilliant teachers, perfectly prepared for every lesson. They explain everything in a clear and understandable way. Learning with their help was much easier. If I were a school owner, I would like to have them in my team! Tereza und Licia, thank you both a lot! <3 <3

  • Kristina from Austria

    Die zwei Wochen in Tropea waren sehr schön. Die Kombination aus Schule und Strand/Urlaub ist großartig und ich war erstaunt und begeistert, wie schnell man lernt und wie schnell ich mich ausdrücken konnte.