Piccola Università Italiana | Boutique Italian Language Schools in Fantastic Locations


Our morning part-time course (CEST – Central European Summer Time)* is designed for all those learners unable to attend a daily course, but that still want to improve their Italian language skills as fast as possible.

*Maybe for many of you, outside the Central European Summer Time zone it might be an evening course!

We offer tailor-made part-time courses that meet the specific needs of the learner. In fact, every student can choose the level that best suits his skills so that he can optimally learn or foster his Italian language.

The aim of the course is to enable the student to improve their skills and abilities in the shortest possible time.

We have been teaching private Online Italian language lessons since 2011 in a very intensive way.  Therefore, even before COVID-19, many students decided to continue their Italian course after returning from Trieste or Tropea. Now we also have group courses in our online program, which are conducted 2 times a week and are therefore part-time courses, ideal for people who work or study.

In this section, we have collected all the useful information about our part-time course, but if you don’t find what you are looking for, you can always contact us! The Piccola Università Italiana staff will be happy to help you.


In order to achieve the set objective, the part-time morning group course follows a specific teaching programme, structured in 4 levels, based on the student’s initial skills and in accordance with the guidelines of the CEF of reference.

The aim of our online part-time classes is to allow the student to progress as quickly as possible.
In fact, the syllabus of the part-time course includes a specific program that will allow the student to learn the essential topics of the Italian language in order to be able to communicate in a correct and appropriate way.
For each level, there is the recovery of the fundamental grammatical arguments and the ability to use those same arguments in a concrete and pragmatic way in the corresponding fundamental communicative functions.

Programme for beginners

The learner studies Italian grammar starting from the basics (articles – nouns – adjectives – prepositions – pronouns) and deepens the main verbal tenses, i.e. the present and the past (next, imperfect past and the respective alternation).

The main goals of this level are:
– To communicate while doing simple and habitual activities that require a simple exchange of information on familiar and common topics;
– To describe in simple terms aspects of everyday life and environment;
– To express needs;
– To refer to past events.

Intermediate programme

The student deepens and expands its grammatical knowledge by working on various types of Italian pronouns, comparisons and prepositions. As far as verbal tenses are concerned, the student focuses on the use of the past in Italian (near past – imperfect – past), the future and the conditional mode.

The objectives of this level are:
– To discuss familiar topics in an exhaustive way;
– To be able to talk outside of one’s own domestic sphere and country, expressing needs and desires;
– To discuss and ask questions about experiences or events that have already taken place;
– To express projects, forecasts, assumptions, and ambitions;
– To produce simple but correct texts.

Advanced programme

The learner, who already knows various aspects of the Italian grammar, works on the concordance of the various tenses of the indicative, deepens the tenses and uses of the conditional and the subjunctive modes.

The objectives of this level are:
– To express experiences and events, dreams, hopes, and ambitions and explain in an exhaustive way the reasons for their opinions and projects;
– To produce clear and detailed texts on a wide range of topics and explain a point of view on a topic by providing the pros and cons of the various options;

Proficiency programme

The student, who already knows Italian grammar, works on the concordance of the various Italian verb modes and times, and on implicit forms deepening also his lexical background, reading, and developing complex texts.

The objectives of this level are:
– To understand a wide range of complex and long texts and recognize their implicit meaning;
– To speak with fluency and naturalness, using the language flexibly and effectively for social, professional and academic purposes;
– To produce clear, well-constructed, detailed text on complex topics, showing confident control of text structure, connectors and cohesion elements.

Conduct & Procedure

Our excellent Italian teachers are here awaiting you face-to-face on the other side of the webcam. These group courses are very dynamic and lively and our teachers will improve your knowledge of the Italian language and its culture, in a fun, friendly, and engaging way. The online group courses claim the active participation of the students and interaction with the teachers.

Our online group courses are held via ZOOM and they follow a specific syllabus, putting also the student in the centre and monitoring the student’s progress.
You will not need any special equipment or software. All that is required is your PC, Mac, laptop, tablet, or iPad with webcam and microphone… and your own private classroom is ready!

Students also have the opportunity to review the lessons at any time and as many times as they like, because the online group courses are recorded.

Course start

WINTER SESSION 2023: November 27

This course is offered once a year.


1 session per year
Course duration

This course lasts 10 weeks.

10 weeks
Number of lessons

Each level is divided into 40 lessons.

40 lessons

This course takes place two days a week and is held on Mondays and Wednesdays or on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 9:00 am to 10:50 or from 11:10 am to 1:00 pm (CET Central European Time).

Size of groups

The groups consist of a minimum number of 3 students.

mini groups
Entry Test

The student can choose the level he/she wishes to attend based on his pre-knowledge.

However, after his choice, a test will be held in order to verify if the student’s previous knowledge really matches the chosen level.

Age group

This course is open to students from 16 years.


At the end of the course the student will receive a certificate of attendance and language level achieved.
Read more details about the participation certificate, by clicking on the link.


The price of this course is 365 €. 
Teaching material and recordings are included.

€ 365