Piccola Università Italiana | Boutique Italian Language Schools in Fantastic Locations


Our school gives you the possibility to attend an Italian language course receiving special aid from an external organization or institution.

It means that an external institution will provide you with financial aid to attend an Italian course upon request. First, you need to get in touch with the supplier institution to start the procedures for obtaining funding. After that, you need to contact our school and register for the course you’d like to attend.

Our courses are accredited by the European Union,  CNS (Sweden) and Lånekassen (Norway).

To enable you as many chances as possible to practise speaking we limit group number to a maximum of 8 participants at each level.

On the first day of your Italian language course, you will take a written and oral placement test to be placed t in one of our 15 levels of competence.

In case we can’t allocate you to an adequate group of 3-8 participants, you will attend a 2-to-1 course or receive private tuition. In this case, the number of lessons will be reduced by half.

In this way, we guarantee to our language students the most efficient learning experience.

Our accredited courses are designed to satisfy your individual language needs, this is achieved by placing you at the level of competence exactly right for you.

Find out all the details of our accredited courses:

General information about our Italian language courses


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Erasmus+ Courses for Italian teachers LS

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CSN Sweden Scholarships

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Lånekassen Norwegian Scholarships

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  • Pauline from France

    Très belle expérience à la Piccola Università Italiana ! Les cours sont en petits groupes et les enseignants sont souriantes patients ! Je n’ai qu’une envie : revenir et y rester plus longtemps ! Merci.

  • Beatrice from Austria

    The two weeks I stayed in Tropea at Piccola Università were great. Everything was perfectly organized and the staff was really helpful. The trips were great and I enjoyed the apartment I stayed in. The small groups at school made it possible to take in a lot of information and most of the teachers tried really hard to make your stay a memorable one.

  • Antje from Switzerland

    Mir hat die Piccola Università Italiana sehr in Tropea gefallen und deswegen haben wir die Schule in Triest gewählt. Es war eine gute Entscheidung. Ich habe mich wirklich verbessert. Im Kurs individuale 2 Std. am Nachmittag konnte ich zusätzlich meinen Wortschatz den ich für meine Arbeit benötige sehr verbessern. Das war sehr gut auf mich zugeschnitten. Tante grazie a tutte.

  • Jeongae from South Korea

    La Piccola Università Italiana di Trieste è eccellente per tutti gli insegnanti!
    Tutti erano altamente qualificati per comunicare la lingua italiana. Inoltre erano motivati e molto gentili con i principianti con vari metodi di apprendimento. Le lezioni sono tenute piccole in modo che tutti gli studenti possano partecipare. :-)